How To Receive Adsense Payments Directly To Your Bank Account In Nigeria

7:13 AM

Whenever  Adsense Team sends you a mail titled “Updated Payments and Account Settings pages“. This actually is in line with the announcement made earlier by the Adsense Team on introduction of Wire Transfer Payment for the Nigerian publishers. I hurriedly decided to check in my Google Adsense account to see if the changes has been effected, and guess what? I was asked to select a form of payment since I haven't selected any. Also, I noticed my earnings were changed from the Euros which was formerly set to it’s equivalent in Dollars. You might want to know what’s new in this Payment Update, here are things you need to know according to the Adsense blog post.  SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>>>>>>>

Redesigned “Payments” and “Payment settings” pages:
“Payment summary” is now called “Transaction history.”
“Payment method” is now called “Form of payment.”
“Unpaid finalized earnings” is now called “Current balance.”
Redesigned transaction history table shows you the latest activities at the top.
New toolbar support allows you to filter, print, export, or download transaction information.
More flexibility with your payment settings:

New extended timeline allows you to change your payment information until the 20th of any month.
You can choose any payment threshold greater than the default payment threshold based on your reporting currency.
You can also hold your payments until a specified date.
Improved navigation of the payments interface:

Centralized locations to manage your “Payment settings” and “Payee profile.”
Contextual help is displayed based on the pages that you navigate to.
We'll continue to add improvements over the coming weeks and months.

How To Select Bank Transfer Payout Option For Adsense In Nigeria

I assume that you are logged into your Adsense account.

- Click on the Payment Settings.
- Click on the Add a New Form Of Payment button.
- Tick on Wire Transfer Check button to load the form for bank details.
- You will be required to fill in your Bank Account Name, Bank SWIFT Code, Bank Name, Your DOM account number.
- Click On SAVE.

I have set mine up and would be expecting to seeing my next payment reflect directly in my GT Bank Dollar account.

Thanks to Adsense Team for making it easier for us. What do you have to say about this improvement? 

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