20 Best April Fool Message/SMS Collections To Make Your Day

7:05 AM

Compilation of 20 Free text messages you might want to send to your friends to mark this years April fool day.
Note: This should all be for fun, try them out on someone right away.
April Fool Text Messages For You:
1. Someone Misses U, Needs U, Worries About U, Lonely Without U, Guess Who? THE MONKEY IN … THE ZOO …

2. You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!! Just a second, don’t misunderstand. CUTE means:

3. Do You Know the best day to propose a girl? That is only April 1. Wanna Know Why? If she accept its your luck
otherwise just tell her April Fool.

4. Hi, Doing nothing? Then Make a Place, 4 Me in ur Heart! I May come there any time! Ur’s Faithfully,
“HeArT aTtAcK”

5. A study has proved that all fools use their THUMB while reading a SMS. Now its 2 late dont try 2 change ur finger! Catch another fool!

6. Hey Friend Today is your day. So Wishing you many… many Happy Returns of the day.

7. If you are in tension, If nothing seems right, If u find no way out, Then just think of me only once,
I will be always there to INCREASE your tensions.

8. Last night I Got a severe Head pain…
I went to the Doctor …
He said that It would be cured If I send a SMS TO some lunatic person…
“Tell me,Whom do I know other than you.?”

9. So Sweet is ur SMILE,
So Sweet is ur STYLE,
So Sweet is ur VOICE,
So Sweet is ur EYE,
See …….how Sweetly I LIE.

10. This cat, is cat, a cat, good cat, way cat, to cat, keep cat, an cat, idiot cat, busy cat, for cat,20 cat, seconds cat !… Now read it without the word cat.

11. I want U to know that U are very important to me, It’s impossible for me to live without U even 4 a second! U r my life & I can feel U everywhere…. NEVER MIND, I WAS TALKING ABOUT OXYGEN.

12. Hey, I wanna say something, And that is our BREAK UP. You really can’t imagine How this happened in one day. One Handsome comes in my life Hold my hands slowly and says…

13. I know that every one has fooled you…..
But truly i am wishing you a happy fools day….

14. Soon a day will come when the whole World will celebrate
your Personality
your Thought
your Ideas
your Talent
your Smartness
& that day will be 1 April

15. Fact 1: You can not touch your both lips with your tongue.
Fact 2: After reading this, 99/100 idiots would try it.

Happy 1st April

16. My Life was in darkness before i met u, but now it is bright. u know why?
Coz u r a “Tubelight…..

17. Plz open this after 2 days.
I know u can’t wait.
So Congratz.
U r a 1st FOOL of 2014. Happy April Fools day.

18. Plz go to creat message on mobile, Then open T9 ON DICTANARY OPTION, Then type this number & see the magic

19. Today, Tomorrow & Forever, there will be one heart always beating for you.
You Know Whose?
Yours Of Course STUPID. :)
Happy April Fools Day.

20. God made daylight & it’s called SUN. God made Entertainment & it’s called FUN. God made the Night light & it’s called Moon. God made you, and you’re called CARTOON.

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