Trailer: Alicia Keys And Jennifer Hudson Talk New Movie + Their Sons Future

11:31 AM
Hip Highlife singer, Chinedu Okoli, (Flavour N’Abania), is still single and that is authoritative. The ‘Onyi Na Tum’ crooner has come out to deny that he is engaged to his United States of America based girlfriend, Beverly Heels, contrary to what many have been peddling.

Flavour , the ‘Ada Ada‘ crooner, made this known recently when he said; “It is not true (that I am engaged to Beverly.) I never proposed to anybody. I am still single. Marriage is not on my mind now but my career.”

The rumours became rampant when he dedicated a song in his last album titled ‘Beverly’, to the USA based artiste. Beverly even sent a confirmation tweet in reply to an inquiry sent to her by popular blogger, Linda Ikeji, confirming that she and Flavour were engaged.

Who is telling the truth? On the new film, The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, Jennifer Hudson confessed it was not so easy playing a bad mom (always high on cock and alcohol) to an amazing son (Mister) who loves her so much. Alicia Keys provided soundtrack for the film which talks about two young boys –Mister and Pete- who struggle to survive in life despite their poor backgrounds and no-loving mothers. The film also stars former American Idol winner, Jordin Sparks. See More After Cut>>>>>

The Superstar moms look forward to the premier of the movie and what the critics would say! What do you think of celebrity kids band so far?
Watch “The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete” Trailer

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