Photos: Ese Walters Enjoying London After Her Sex Scandal With COZA Pastor Biodun

11:37 AM

Do you remember Ese Walters – the blogger that alleged that Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA had an affair with her?
Well it appears that she’s got her groove back as she shared these photos and story below on her blog some minutes ago:So for the past few weeks I have had the greatest block EVER! I tried and tried to write but just couldn’t.
My inner critics kept telling me I was done writing. Words kept flooding my head but anytime I sat in front of my laptop, I struggled. “What do I write?” “How do I write?” “Will it make sense? SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>>>

I decided then to change focus and give writing a break. I looked at my bucket list, which I wrote about 3 years ago and one of the things I wanted to do before I die, was skydiving.
Weird huh? Well, it was on the list and I knew at some point I was going to have to do it. Remembering that my personal theme for 2013 is “just do it” I decided to just go ahead
and do it. I booked the date for the 1st of October 2013. I thought it would be my own way of celebrating my Country’s 53rd Independence. ‘An Independence Day Jump’ I tagged it. Hehe. So, come Oct 1st, I journeyed to Cambridge from London to partake in what some would call a daredevil feat. I was the only one who didn't come with family or supporters to watch or cheer me on. My cousin said, “I’m not coming to watch you die.” LOL.
I agree with people who had once called me ‘crazy,’ I truly am crazy.
To all interested in skydiving, take it from me, it’s so worth it. It has been a life altering experience for me. And the rush? Oh my… Instead of running from it and wishing, JUST DO IT! It would change something about you. Trust me, I KNOW! Cheers to the freaking week y’al!

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