How To Use Android With DroidVPN & TCP On MTN?

9:55 AM

Droidvpn app is back on android devices on TCP protocol, not too stable at the moment but i am sure they will work on there servers to make it more stable and fast.This also works on android devices and no need for MTN BIS or any sort of subscription, it works on 0 kobo and you can user terminal emulator to help make it stable.

Settings for DroidVPN on Android

1. Download  Droidvpn if you dont have it already installed.
2. Download Terminal Emulator from playstore
3. Now open up Terminal Emulator and ping google by typing  ‘ping’ then minimize terminal emulator. SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>

4. On your droidvpn now on settings set protocol to TCP, port should be 443 or 5222 goto Bind Local Port and type in 1110
5. Now save it and you can now select a free server if you are a fre user and connect
Note: you should connect via default apn:

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