How To Unlock Your ZTE Internet Modem & Generate Unlock Codes.

1:45 AM

It is Very easy to unlock ZTE Modems from network providers (MTN, Airtel, Etisalat and Glo) in Nigeria, Especially when You Follow the steps in this post carefully. When all these network providers started employing the use of ZTE modems, various modem unlockers that we used to depend on failed us as most of these new ZTE Internet modems proved difficult to unlock. Those who have Huawei Modem Unlocker are still  making use of it to unlock existing Huawei modems. SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>
For those of us who don’t know what to unlock a modem means, here it is. When you buy a modem from a network provider like Glo, the make it in such a way that you can only use Glo SIM on it. When you unlock, you can use any other SIM from other network providers and switch whenever there is need to. I unlocked my first MTN Modem when I discoveredHow To Get Airtel 1GB Data  For Just N1200. I had to take that opportunity with both hands.
With DC Crap or DC Unlocker as some people would call it, you can easily unlock your Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat 3G Internet modems. I have observed that it’s easier to unlock Glo 3G modems. That’s my own observation anyway.
To get started, download DC Crap Internet Modem Unlocker. It is really effective in unlocking internet modems.
Now install the 
software. Launch it and you are on your way to unlocking your ZTE internet modem.
Plug-in the ZTE Internet modem you want to unlock after the completion of your DC Crap installation.
Next check the list of Manufacturers in DC Crap, select the make of your modem and the model
You can also use of the Auto-select option.
Tick ‘Read Unlock Code & Auto enter to Modem’
Lastly, Click ‘Do Job’.
Your unlock code will now be generated and your ZTE Internet Modem unlocked.
If you are having problem with this you can easily use the comment box to let me know.
You can also check video tutorial from DC UNLOCKER TUTORIAL PAGE for more.
Next you should create new profile for the network you want to use if it is not there already. 

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April 26, 2014 at 7:22 AM delete

I have the DC on my system can I generate the code with out been on net . from Obioma Vincent Onyechi 08043723477

April 28, 2014 at 5:53 AM delete

good day
pls help me on this issue of unlocking my etisalat modem for me I have downloaded DC on my system but still when I plug my modem and open the dc at the end I will see fail so pls help me unlock it. this is the Imel 861424013659313. my email: fone 08034723477.

May 21, 2014 at 7:38 AM delete

hi all dear friends

are you searching for huawei modem unlock? is your device locked ? your unlock attempt is 0 ?

dont worry, we have all new solution for unlocking all modems. Permanent and fully unlocked ?
yes it is, all new algo (86 series IMEI) unlock codes all new modems supported
Incl E3272,E5372,E3276 4G modems

all simple unlock through codes, we will tell you or teach you how it works.
now we are providing unlock for resellers. new 86 series unlock code for new models for sale

Master Account : Unlimited credit,Unlimited APIs, Unlimited API Administrator account.
API admin Account : Unlimited API key and Unlimited Credit.
Api Key : Credit as per your order

See more at:

unlimited online/offline algo code creation.
contact for more :

algo online and offline calculator (algortham run in your local host) or

December 31, 2016 at 4:13 PM delete

Please I cant unlocked mine ZTE MODEL IMIE IS 862828022635073 PLEASE HELP

January 31, 2018 at 11:20 PM delete

This is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information.
zte overture 3 secret unlock code

August 24, 2022 at 2:28 AM delete

a message appearing as failed error 63


