PD-Proxy VPN Authorized Voucher Reseller in Nigeria.

9:23 AM

You can now purchase your favorite VPN voucher codes with ease from Nigeria’s number one VPN Reseller. We sell PD-Proxy Premium Membership Voucher Code's for Nigerian PD-Proxy VPN Users at Cheap Rate. We are No.1 Authorized PD-Proxy Reseller in Nigeria, we provide instant PD-Proxy Voucher Code after the Payment is made.
Premium PD-Proxy Voucher Code's to access unlimited bandwidth and Acess to all Premium Servers and Torrent Servers in PD-Proxy VPN Software.
1 Month PD-Proxy Voucher Code Price : 1500 Naira
Other Payment Options Are: 
* Western Union Money Transfer.
* Pay pal or Perfect Money. SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>>>>>>>>
Do you need help in upgrading your VPN accounts to premium? Then contact me and I will be glad to be of help to You. Just choose from any of the VPN packages below and Place your order and we will deliver ASAP.NB: If you are yet to use any of the VPN services below or you are wondering what they are used for? They are Virtual Private Network services (VPN) that lets you browse and download unlimited with your PC on MTN BIS network and also allows you to Bypass Restrictive Firewall and Secure/Hide your Internet presence.
Mtn has blocked the allowance of tethering blackberry.net on BIS. Which means you can't use your BIS subscription on any other device like PC, Modem, Nokia, iPhone & Android Devices.
For Some days now, Different people keep complaining that Subscription MTN Bis Is no
More working on Non Blackberry Devices.. BUT
Today, I can categorically Tell You that Most Heavy Internet users are Browsing on their
Laptop using the Blackberry BIS Subscription without the Network Stoping them, This is made possible with the PDProxy VPN.

You can Now use PD proxy with MTN blackberry services in Nigeria all you need do is:>> Subscribe for
the blackberry Daily/weekly/Monthly Plan.. 
>> visit www.pdproxy.com and Register Free Account, After that Download PD Proxy

>> Configure your modem thus; Apn: blackberry. net || Password: web & Username: web

>> CONFIGURE Your PD-PROXY with Below Settings:

1. After downloading open the the folder and install it.

2. launch the application and input your username and password you created.

3. choose any of the server apart from the demo then select ICMP.

4. Go to setting click advance settings

5. click on PROTO OPTIONS & TYPE = 500


BROWSER SETTING : Choose NO PROXY OR AUTOMATIC. DEPENDING ON BROWSER cos it runs every application That need internet connection!. For firefox user choose: No

NOTE: The free account is limited to 3Gig / month but the premium account is unlimited. You can Sign up another Account after Exausting the 3Gig - 

TO GET THE SETTINGS FOR OTHER VPN, JUST SEND ME AN EMAIL; dialdammy@gmail.com and i will gladly assist you. But you have to buy a minimum of one VPN voucher from me to get the manual which i have compiled in PDF format.
PHONE: 08032660996,  BBPIN: 227A3FC5

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