How George Zimmerman Won

5:55 PM

On Saturday evening, after about 16 hours of deliberation, a jury of six women decided that George Zimmerman was not guilty of murder,or the lesser charge of manslaughter, for killing unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in February 2012.
Zimmerman’s legal troubles aren’t necessarily over Martin’s family can sue him for wrongful civil death and the Justice Department is weighing whether to charge him with violating Martin’s civil rights. But many legal experts believe it’s unlikely the federal government will take up the case. So for now, at least, Zimmerman is a free man, and he’ll soon get his gun back  he has “even more reason” to carry it now, given the animosity toward him.
President Obama called Martin’s killing a “tragedy” for Martin’s family and for America, and asked everyone to “respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son.” Passions are high, Obama added, “but we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken.”

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