Mobile Phone Internet Data Bundle & Subscription Codes For MTN, Glo, Airtel, Etisalat

8:47 AM

This is list of all mobile internet data bundle or data plans & subscription codes for MTN, Glo, Airtel and Etisalat (All Networks in Nigeria). These mobile data plans are specifically made for internet connection on Phones, Smartphones and Tablets but you can as well use them on your Laptop PC, Notebooks, Macbook and Desktops. Look through the list to find out the mobile data bundle that fits your budget and time schedule. Enjoy reading.
My Take on All These Networks Regarding Data Plans:
If you subscribe to any of the MTN mobile data plans, I would warn you to be careful and wary of their tricks. You should always make sure you don’t have extra credit on your SIM after you have subscribed, this is because MTN will not alert you when you exhaust the allocated MB and they will allow you to continue surfing the internet until you exhaust your credit. They will not even alert you, you will just get to know when you can no longer connect to the internet. SEE MORE AFTER CUT>>>
I’m not saying MTN is a cheat and that’s how it happens for everyone, NO. That’s the way it has always been for me and a couple of friends that use MTN. I stuck to them for some time because it has the strongest network where I used to be.Mind you, MTN is not the only culprit here; even Etisalat too. I cannot say the same for Glo because I get message from time to time telling me what percentage of the data plan I have used. I don’t use Airtel on mobile and therefore can’t say anything about them. I use their BIS plan on PC though.
Data Bundle & Subscription Codes For All Nigerian GSM Networks

» MTN Mobile Phone Data Bundle & Subscription Codes

Data Volume (Old)Data Volume (New)Price
Activation keyword
MTN Mobile Internet Daily Plans:
10MB10MBN10024 hoursText 104 to 131
Mobile Internet Weekly Plans:
25MB25MBN4007daysText 105 to 131
Mobile Internet Monthly Plans:
100MB200MBN1,00030daysText 106 to 131
250MB375MBN1,30030daysText 109 to 131
500MB750MBN2,00030daysText 110 to 131
1GB1.5GBN3,50030daysText 111 to 131

» Glo Mobile Phone Data Bundle & Subscription Codes

Plan Name
Service Rental
Data Cap
Validity Period
SMS to 127
Target Device
Instant Surf
N10010MB24 hours*127*51#‘51’Handset
One Week
N40050MB7 days*127*52#‘52’Handset
Always Micro
N1,000200MB30 days*127*53#‘53’Handset
Always Macro
N3,0001,024MB (1GB)30 days*127*54#‘54’Handset/Tablet

» Airtel Mobile Phone Data Bundle & Subscription Codes

PlanData Allowance (MB)- ActualData Allowance
Price (N)
period (days)
SMS Activation
USSD Activation
Code (NEW)
Daily10-1001 DayDaily*141*11*1#
Weekly25-4007 daysWeekly*141*11*2#
Easy802450014 DaysEasy*141*11*3#
Lite200-100030 DaysLite*141*11*4#
Midi25075130030 DaysMidi*141*11*5#
Surf500250200030 DaysSurf*141*11*6#
Smartphone1024512300030 DaysSmartphone*141*11*7#
To check data usage: Dial *141*11*0# or text status to 141

» Etisalat Mobile Phone Data Bundle & Subscription Codes

PlanData AllowancePriceUSSD CodeSMS KeywordService Profile
Daily10 MBN100*229*3*1#MI1EDGE
Weekly50 MBN500*229*3*4#MI2EDGE

To check for data balance or how much data left for your plan, simply dial *228# on your phone or Easynet Modem and your balance and validity of your data plan will be displayed.

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